Joan Gili Memorial Lectures

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  1. The Circulation of Daily Newspapers, by Salvador Cardús i Ros (1999)
  2. The English Experience, by Narcís Comadira (2000)
  3. The Poetry of Joan Maragall, by Arthur Terry (2001)
  4. The Irish Poet and the British Gentleman, by Francesc Parcerisas (2002)
  5. George Orwell in his Centenary Year, by Miquel Berga (2003)
  6. Virginia Woolf in the Midlands, by Marta Pessarrodona (2004)
  7. The Domain of the Written Language, by Joan Francesc Mira (2005)
  8. Catalunya Year Zero, by Antoni Segura (2006)
  9. Exile and Reconstruction. Mercè Rodoreda and Visual Art in the 1950’s, by Mercè Ibarz (2007)
  10. Bulls and donkeys:National identity and symbols in Catalonia and Spain, by Miquel Strubell (2008)
  11. The War of the Languages: Metaphors of linguistic conflict in Catalonia, by Maria Josep Cuenca (2009)
  12. L’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, acadèmia de les ciències i humanitats: Ahir, avui i demà (the text of the lecture reproduced material had already been published with the Institut d’Estudis Catalans), by Salvador Giner (2011).

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